Thursday 24 April 2014

Herbed Vegetable Stock

My little herb garden...
I've tried growing herbs in the house before, so I don't know what made me think that this time would be any different.

I have mostly hearty plants, that can go weeks without water...and still forgive me.

This new little herb garden is in the middle of the kitchen to remind me to water it often.

I have rosemary, basil, thyme, and parsley. I noticed that the chives in my garden are starting to pop up, and I will bring a small bunch of those inside as well.

Basil...rosemary...parsley...and a bay leaf
Today I was trying to think of a way I could use some of the herbs.

Broth is something I never have on hand. 

It's one of those things I buy, use a small amount and find the carton in the back of the fridge months later.

I've made turkey broth, or soup, but have never tried vegetable broth. 

So soup's to speak.

Ready for boiling

A quick peruse of the fridge and I decide on a few vegetables:

ends and leaves of all the celery
1/2 turnip, peeled and cut in chunks
12 mini carrots, cut in half
1 onion, cut in chunks
1/4 (or less) cabbage, cut up
cracked black pepper
salt (I used minimal salt - I would rather season when I use the broth and can adjust depending on what I'm adding it into)

Add the herbs and cover with cold water.

Put the lid on the pot, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until you remember you have something cooking on the stove..oops.

Forgot to set the timer.

I gave it a couple of good mashes, then strained into a bowl to let cool.

I wasn't planning on using this right away, so I prepared for the freezer after it sat cooling most of the afternoon.

Small portions are best for freezing, and one, two, or three can be taken out and used depending on the recipe.

An ice cube tray is a good way to freeze extra liquids.

Once the liquid is frozen, pop out into baggies and store frozen.

A good idea is to mark on masking tape the date and flavour of the broth.

Now I had broth on hand....and before it got too cool sitting on the counter...I had soup for lunch!

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