Sunday 6 April 2014

Buttermilk Pancakes

This is TROUBLE!
Spring and maple syrup.

A marketing ploy. Pretty little bottles with Nova Scotia on the lable (beside the potatoes?) that catch my eye and end up in the shopping cart before my brain registers.

I use maple syrup when I cook a ham, and that’s about it. 

And since I’m not planning on cooking a ham in the month of April unless there is one buried at the back of the freezer, it had no business being in the shopping cart. 

If I need a shot of something sweet on a pancake or fresh toast I use corn syrup. 

So why did I but it? (refer to blog dated April 5, 2014)

Since I have a nice fresh bottle of Nova Scotia Maple Syrup, I’ll make buttermilk pancakes and use the buttermilk left over from the Irish soda bread. (one empty carton I can now remove from the fridge - I’m on a roll)

The paternal side of my family are huge pancake fans! I don't mean they are huge...they just love to eat pancakes:)

The first recipe is my traditional for buttermilk pancakes. And since I bought chick pea flour, the second recipe uses this gluten free flour. 

Why do I have chick pea flour you ask? Refer blog dated April 5, 2014.

And I invited paternal relatives to lunch to get a little taste testing, feedback, and a nice little family get together.

Traditional Buttermilk Pancakes
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp banking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup egg whites
1 cup fat free buttermilk (fat free buttermilk - doesn't really make sense)
2 tsp canola oil
1 tsp vanilla (optional - I didn’t use)

Mix the wet ingredients together including the oil. In a larger bowl or four cup measure with a spout mix the dry ingredients and make a well in the centre. Add the wet to the dry and mix well. Mixture should be very think and smooth.

Using a griddle or frying pan over medium high heat, add the pancake batter. (I use an electric frying pan)

Pancakes can be whatever size you want, but remember you have to flip them.

Once most of the bubbles have broken it’s time to flip the pancakes. 

Pancakes are done when the are firm, or spring back when lightly poked.

A very busy table!

Buttermilk Pancakes with Chick Pea Flour

1 cup chick pea flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp banking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup egg whites
1 cup fat free buttermilk 
2 tsp canola oil
1 tsp vanilla (optional - I didn’t use)

These pancakes are a little different in colour and seemed to take a little longer to cook.

Strawberries over cottage cheese and a drizzle of maple Syrup

My aunt picked up fresh strawberries and cottage cheese. 

Pancakes taste good with just about anything sweet, and it is a matter of choice. 

Jams or preserves and chocolate  would be just fine!

I would use corn syrup or molasses, but since I just happened to have the maple syrup that's what we used. 
Just the maple syrup

I do believe the pancakes were enjoyed by all. 

Only four left on the plate and there were wrapped up in a doggy bag!

Nova Scotia Maple Syrup is shipped all over the world. 

I was shopping in Bern Switzerland, I believe the department store was Globus, and there on the shelf was Nova Scotia Maple Syrup. 

Even though the price was less expensive once the conversion from Francs was done, I refrained from buying it.

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