Sunday 6 April 2014

Me Too!

I have the same problem Shelley does.  Good intentions.  Jams and jellies are especially bad for me.  I love them.  Currently, in my cupboard, are four bottles of gooseberry jam alone, but the collection also includes partidgeberry, crab apple, and orange jellies.

But the real problem is in my freezer.  It is small but I've been very creative about filling it to capacity.  I will also be attempting to eat my way through my existing supplies.  My goal is to use at least one thing in my freezer every day and not buy anything frozen until May.  If this goes well, my next project will be the pantry.

Everything I use will also need to be healthy too.  Using some of these things will be fun like the frozen leeks and the codfish.  Others will present more of a challenge.  What am I really going to do with a pound of low grade hamburger meat that was on sale six months ago?  That may be turned into a special treat for my dogs.