Saturday 12 April 2014

Cuban Cheese Toast

In honour of National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day, I'm making a local Tampa favourite, Cuban Cheese Toast.  It's usually served for breakfast with Cafe Con Leche, which is shot of very strong Cuban coffee with an equal amount of warmed milk. Cuban toast is of course made using Cuban bread.  It's similar to French bread, but the loaves are longer and crustier.  I have to say it is my favourite bread of all time -- especially if I'm lucky enough to be at the bakery just as it is coming out of the oven.  That is a field trip for a different day though.

Cuban Cheese Toast on the left, Pizza Pressed Sandwich on the right ....

Cuban Cheese Toast
  • Cut a six to eight inch slice from a loaf of Cuban or French bread.
  • Cut the slice in two horizontally -- similar to a submarine sandwich.
  • Put a slice or two of provolone cheese between the two halves and press the sandwich using a panini sandwich press.  If you don't have a sandwich press, use the traditional Cuban method.  Place two large, cast iron frying pans in a 450 oven.  Leave then in there for at least 10 to 15 minutes.  When they are very hot, put one pan on top of the stove and place the sandwich inside it.  Take the second pan and place it on top of the sandwich and leave it there until the cheese melts.
As today is a special Grilled Cheese day, I decided to jazz things up a bit and make a Pizza Pressed Sandwich by taking the basic recipe above and adding pizza sauce and turkey pepperoni with the provolone.

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