Monday 28 April 2014

Artichoke...Baked with Olive Oil

The artichoke is a variety of species of thistle. I see the resemblance.

I have bought canned artichoke hearts and used them in dips, and of course tasted a few pieces along the way. But I have never bought a fresh whole artichoke.

So I thought I would fly solo on this one.

I've watched enough Italian cooking shows, I should be able to cook an artichoke...or so you would think. I know the basic...don't eat the fuzzy part.

I seem to remember one Italian chef baking the artichoke drizzled in a little olive oil.

That sounds better than boiling.

The ends of the petals need trimming, cut off the stem, and cut off the top inch or so.

The fuzzy part needs scooping out, and a spoon does the trick.

I lay the pieces cut side down with a little olive oil, and drizzle a little more over the top.

Set the oven to 400F, and the microwave timer to 30 minutes.

(Sorry no picture...forgot)

I think the artichoke may be defective.

There's a little meat in the ends of the larger petals.

The heart is missing altogether.

More work than the little legs on a lobster and not quite so tasty.

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