Friday 11 April 2014

Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie

Success at the grocery store...well sort of. Rome was not built in a day and so it will be kicking the habit of impulse buying.

I would not say it was an impulse actually. I was thinking about it when I got up this morning. And so I headed to Sobeys before 7am to stock up on produce and milk. And I bought a blender!

So many choices for a grocery store. $20, $40, and $80. No Ninjas. I hesitated just a few minutes to think it through and bought the one for $20. Single serving size.

So excited to try out a smoothie and have it for lunch!

I added equal (approx) portions of the following:

Frozen cranberries
Frozen blueberries
Frozen banana
English cucumber
Handful of spinach

And no points!

Throw it all in the blender and whiz away.

Or not.

I was starting to have a bad feeling about this. I knew I hesitated for a reason. (Other than I wasn't supposed to be in that aisle in the first place)

I added some lemon juice to try to get things moving.

Nothing. It started coming back to me why I got rid of my blender in the first place.

I went back to work for a bit to give the frozen fruit a chance to thaw.

There was no fruit juice in the fridge, and I really didn't want to add water...

So I grabbed the next best thing...

All of a sudden I was making cocktail smoothies.

It was still only noon...and my 5:00 someplace wouldn't cut it since I was working...I put the mix in the refrigerator for later....

It was surprisingly tasty.

The cucumber and banana were the two most dominant flavours. I've had cucumber water at a local sushi restaurant and I find it very refreshing. The same can be said of the smoothie.

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