Tuesday 8 April 2014

Low Fat Banana Muffins

I should have thought this through. But like walking through the grocery store I make impulse decisions.

I have about a Tbsp of baking powder, the flour situation is not much better, and I have to make due until May Day.

I'm hoping I'll be asked to make biscuits for Easter, then a trip down the baking aisle will be out of my control.

After seeing those orange cranberry muffins Ross made, I thought warm muffins would be the order of the day for breakfast.

With lots of time to spare...then I remembered I used a lot of baking powder making the pancakes on the weekend....on to plan B.

With mittens on I routed though the freezer seeming to remember throwing a few banana muffins in quite some time ago. I came up with four mini-muffins.

Frozen muffins are like left overs. I don't really do left overs, but I was still thinking warm muffins for breakfast.

My left over mini-muffins would have to do...

Add a half of pear and they were a good late breakfast.

Low Fat Banana Muffins

4 ripe bananas
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup applesauce
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
1 tsp baking banking soda
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 cups flour

Mash the bananas in a large bowl and mix in the sugar. Add the applesauce, and eggs and beat well.

Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

Spray muffin tins (if using paper muffin lines, spray the liners), and divid the mixture between the 12 muffin cups.

Bake 30 minutes in 350F oven, or until wooden toothpick comes out clean. Timing may vary depending on the size of the muffin cups.

(FYI - oatmeal is in the crockpot for tomorrow morning)

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