Saturday 5 April 2014

A Personal Challenge

I am a terrible shopper. 

I go to the grocery store with a list of a few things I need, and come home with so much stuff I have trouble putting it away.

Bottom line...I have to stop spending so much at the grocery store. 

Sad isn't it? Good thing I didn't get the ice cream.

So for the month of April I’m going to use up what is in the fridge, freezer, and on the shelf.

The only things I will allow myself to purchase will be fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and milk. 

Oh, and coffee. I won’t skip my coffee. 

I’m sure I’m not the only person that buys something with good intentions, only to find it six months (or more) later. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Or I buy something because of the brand (I saw it advertised), or on impulse I want to treat myself (Ross remember the gelato?). This is a trait that Ross and I both share. I wonder who we inherited it from.

Look at my oatmeal ordeal. Now I don’t have a choice, I’ll have to eat it when the three different dry cereals and the hummus are gone!

After getting groceries the last time, I couldn’t believe the total cost. Just what did I buy? I know it’s expensive to eat healthy, but there were things in those bags I could have done without.

So, starting now (because it’s raining so hard I refuse to go shopping) when I go for groceries for the remainder of the month there is going to be a change. Perhaps I will break old habits.

Cause at the rate I’m going, I’ll never be able to retire and move to Florida!

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