Thursday 20 March 2014

When Things Go Wrong

My favourite way to cook a side of veggies is to oven roast them. Add a little olive oil and whatever spices you feel like at the time, and you have a great alternative to steaming or boiling. Tonight I roasted cauliflower and broccoli together. Carrots (cut small), Brussels sprouts (cut in half), Lima beans, or any other vegetable that would have similar cooking time can be added as well.

1 cup cauliflower
1 cup broccoli
1 Tbsp olive oil (or canola if you prefer)
a sprinkle of Kosher salt
a few grinds of fresh black pepper
and a few good shakes of garlic powder

Give it a good stir to get the vegetables coated with the oil.
Set the over temperature to 375F, and slide them into a cold oven.

Set your timer for 20 minutes, and give them another good stir.

Set the timer for another 20 minutes.

I like mine well done. No, not really. (sigh) I forgot to set the timer the second time.

Here's the thing. I'm usually pretty good in the kitchen, but I forget things. (And that has nothing to do with my's genetic) I have lists and notes, and use the kitchen timer on my microwave 100% of the time. Well except for today.

Usually the only time things go wrong in the kitchen is when I have company or alcohol is involved. Tonight it was neither.

They didn't taste bad, the cauliflower was good, just the broccoli was a little crisp.

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