Wednesday 26 March 2014

Let's Try Something New

A day or two ago, I bought a couple of bulbs of fennel so I could give it a try.  I'm ashamed to admit that at my age, this is my first time eating it.  It's not often I use an ingredient that is new to me, so this was a particular challenge.  I like a challenge!

The first thing I wanted to do was to taste it raw.  It has a mild anise flavour and is very pleasant on its own.  I think it would be nice to take a bit raw fennel to work and have it as a mid afternoon snack.  Refreshing and soothing at the same time.  It's important to make sure the fennel is rinsed well as it can be gritty (similar to leeks).  Luckily I was warned by a wise cousin about this.

My first reaction these days seems to be to make a salad.  Today was no exception.  Although it looks a bit like the Asian salad I had last week, it actually is quite different.

Chopped Salad with Fennel
Half a large bulb of fennel
5 raw Brussels sprouts
Half of an English cucumber
1 tomato
1/4 cup of chopped green onion
1 1/2 oz crumbled feta cheese
2 tsp olive oil
Kosher salt
Cracked pepper

  • Slice the Brussels sprouts and place in salad bowl.
  • Chop the cucumber into bite sized pieces, then add it to the bowl.
  • Chop the fennel into smallish pieces and add to the mixture.
  • Slice the tomato in half and cut one side into pieces similar in size to the fennel and cucumber.  Add this to the salad.
  • Chop the remaining tomato half fairly finely and add.  Make sure to also add any juice that came out of the tomato while being chopped.
  • Add the green onion and feta and toss the ingredients to mix.
  • Drizzle the olive oil over the top and let salad sit for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Sprinkle a pinch or two of kosher salt on top along with a couple of good turns of cracked pepper.
  • Toss one additional time, then enjoy.

Besides using it raw, I wanted to try it cooked as well.  When I cut it up, it reminded me of an onion, so I thought saute it in a bit of olive oil.  Yum.  The cooking adds a sweetness to it the same way that frying an onion will make it taste sweeter too.  I had some artisan salami in the fridge, so I sliced off a few pieces and fried them in with the fennel.  Double yum!  I need to come up with an appetizer using this combination.

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