Monday 24 March 2014


I'm on a mission to have more whole grains in my diet.  A couple of weeks ago, I picked up a bag of Kamut to try.  Also known as Khorasan wheat, it looks like large grains of brown rice.  The instructions on the package said to either soak overnight and boil for 30 to 40 minutes, or if not soaked, boil for 45 to 60 minutes.  Not being a patient person, I didn't bother doing the overnight soak.  The result was a pleasant surprise with a slightly nutty taste and a pleasantly chewy texture.

Kamut as a Side Dish
1 cup dried Kamut Berries
4 cups Water
1 tsp Butter, Garlic Olive Oil, or other interesting oil.
Sea Salt
Cracked Pepper

  • Boil the Kamut in the water for 45 to 50 minutes. Add additional liquid if needed.
  • Drain, then toss with the butter, sea salt, and cracked pepper.
  • Serve

Kamut Salad
1 cup of cooked and cooled Kamut
1 tomato - chopped
1/3 of an English cucumber - chopped
2 tbsp of green onion - chopped
2 oz Feta cheese - crumbled
1 to 2 tsp olive oil or garlic flavoured oil
Cracked pepper
Sea salt

  • Combine all ingredients and toss together.
  • Serve and enjoy

Dried Kumat:

In the pot:

Cooked and ready to eat:

Kumat Salad:

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