Thursday 13 March 2014

Some days I just know I'm going to crave the comfort foods my Mum used to make. Today was cold, windy and wet...a fireplace and good book kind of day. But I had to work so I take the comfort in food. Along with some pork I had leftover from yesterday I made Yorkshire pudding which usually goes with beef. Haven't made it in quite some time and it was so good. Make sure your eggs are fresh, and once you combine, don't mix it again before pouring it into the muffin tins. Here's the recipe:
1 cup flour / 1/2 tsp salt / 1 cup milk / 3 eggs - mix the flour and salt, add the milk and eggs and mix well. Bake in muffin tins sprayed with canola oil at 450 for about 20 minutes.

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