Sunday 23 March 2014

Leftover Oatmeal

I know I said I'd have more please, but not the very next day. I'm not a big fan of leftovers, and I also don't like to throw anything away. (But that's not to say I don't.)

I have a cup and a half of cooked steel cut oats sitting in the fridge. Since we are on a bread theme already today, I thought lets make oatmeal raisin bread. I proceed without a recipe. Might have been a slight error in judgement on my part...

I dig out the bread maker. No paddle. I really don't feel like kneading by hand. I hear there is more snow coming so will be getting a workout shortly.

Once the paddle is located (note to self - put away with the bucket next time), I dump in the leftover oatmeal.

Here's where the fun begins. How do I know how much water;  how much flour. I think back to when I started the overnight oatmeal and do some quick calculations. A cup of water should do. I add the rest of the ingredients and start the bread maker on dough setting.

Maybe I was wrong. Some funny noises coming from the kitchen. I realize I should have done long division. I seemed to have forgotten in my calculations that the oatmeal has already soaked up water during the cooking process. I stop the bread maker, add more flour and start it again. Trial and error once more and we are good to go.

Here's the recipe

1 1/2 prepared steel cut oats
2 Tbsp brown sugar (adjust if oats have been prepared with sugar)
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup raisins
3 1/2 to 4 cups flour (you will need to adjust depending on how wet the oats are)
1 1/2 tsp quick rising yeast.

My dough setting on the bread machine is 1 1/2 hours. Once the cycle is complete. Dump the mixture on a floured surface and give it a couple kneads. I split mine in two lots, and pan in well buttered heavy loaf pans. Let rise someplace warm for about an hour. I use the timer on my microwave (wink wink).

Bake 375F for 20 - 25 minutes. Test by giving the loaf a few raps on the bottom. Should sound hollow.

Sunday brunch - two slices toasted with a little specialty lime ginger marmalade, Dubliner cheese, and coffee, with or without the Baileys.

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