Monday 31 March 2014

Saga of the Steel Cut Oats

I’ve come to the conclusion that the oats are rancid. I check the best before date, still six months. But with good intentions the box has been sitting in my pantry for about a year.

Off to Bulk Barn. History tells me that this trip can be expensive, so I forgo the shopping cart which should limit the bags.

Thinking back, I should have at least picked up a basket at the door. As the oats scatter across the floor at the checkout, all I can think is "can I get a picture for the blog”?

I give the new oats the sniff test. They don’t smell similar to what I’ve been using. They smell like oats. I realize they smell like they should. I toss the old box, grab a mason jar, and add the new oats to the shelf.

Here’s the recipe for the latest taste test. 

(For one)
1/4 cup "fresh" steel cut oats
1 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla

Add the four ingredients in the order listed in a smaller baking dish. Using a water bath to cook the oats, place the smaller baking dish in the slow cooker. Water should come about half way up the side of the dish.

Set on low, or 10 hours.

I've tried raisins, dried cranberries, and apples, during the cooking process, and like the raw apple best. I add it a few minutes before I'm ready to eat the oats. A little brown sugar and allow it to melt over the top, and I'm good to go.

1/2 Granny Smith apple, cored, peeled, and cut in small chunks
1 - 2 tsp brown sugar depending on your taste

After stirred, the apples disappear.
Apples after the 10 hour cooking process

I've exhausted the trial and error of the steel cut oats.

But I do know what I like and what I don't like.

I definitely like the fresh ones for sure!

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