Thursday 27 March 2014

Aftermath of Whiteout Wednesday

After a sleepless night listening to the wind howling, I drag my butt from under the electric blanket and head out to shovel the driveway.

The windchill is -15C and it's brisk to say the least. My steps, walk, and driveway have drifted in with snow, and the guy has been by and cleared the end of my driveway.

But he has filled in the sidewalk and left a huge bank of snow jutting out into the road just waiting for the snowplow to drive by and push it back in again.

I get to work.

Ninety minutes later, standing out of the wind, I take a minute to survey my hard work and the beautiful white scenery and think...OMG...the oatmeal.

Bruce is intrigued and had a little lick at the bowl!

It's a little congealed, but still warm. With my fingers still tingling from the cold wind, I add 2 Tbsp of brown sugar (because I shovelled) and scarf it down...I think I'll have toast tomorrow.

I know the shovelling is not done for the day. The sidewalk plow goes by and partially fills in the driveway, and I shovel a path at my son's place. Well more than a path actually. I'm a little bit stubborn so I shovel the driveway. It's now 6:00 pm.

The last thing I feel like doing is making supper. Take out. I've earned it today.

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