Wednesday 26 March 2014

Oatmeal Update

I'm like a dog with a bone with this oatmeal. I'm not going to be happy until I get it just right.  I made some changes to the recipe and tried it again.

Here we go for round 2:

1/4 cup steel cut oats
1 cup water
1/4 cup milk
pinch salt
1/2 tsp vanilla

This morning I added a Tbsp brown sugar when I was ready to sample.

I didn't make the crowd size this time, and although I was able to put it away, 1/4 cup was still a little too much for me.

But there is just something about it that's not quite right.

Maybe my taste has been skewed by the quick cooking packages I've bought over the years.

So we are on to round three. Here's tonight's recipe:

1/4 cup steel cut oats
1 cup water
2 pinches salt
1 tsp vanilla

Perhaps I'll add a few strawberries to the top this time with the brown sugar.

Today has been one of those cold and windy snowy days we are not supposed to have once spring has arrived. I hear the plow go by yet again, and remember there is still about 250 square feet of snow sitting at the end of the driveway that I have to tackle in the morning. Oatmeal will hit the spot for sure tomorrow. I just know it!

1 comment:

  1. It's not often I feel guilty about living in Florida, but today was one of those days. Shelley and my brother had both sent me pictures of the storm, and I could feel the cold just looking at them. After work today, I walked to the grocery store and felt especially guilty after passing a citrus tree with beautiful smelling blooms. I'm working on convincing Shelley she should be spending her winters down here. After today, that shouldn't be too hard.
