Monday 24 March 2014

Ugh! Mondays

I'm always ready to tackle a new week, until about noon. The weekend late nights start to kick in and all my best laid plans for Monday go out the window.

It's always good to have something on hand that's a quick lunch or dinner. Egg whites. I never knew you could buy just egg whites in a carton. I thought they must be artificial, after all, what do they do with the yolks? Are there hens that lay eggs without yolks?

Thanks to my son and his wife, I now keep a couple cartons in the fridge. One of my favourite ways to prepare is in a small frying pan (about 4 inches across), and have them in a toasted bagel with a little shredded asiago cheese, (yes the $20 block from Costco is still going strong) salt and pepper.

To prepare, spray the frying pan with a little oil and heat the pan to medium high. Pour in a half cup of the egg whites, sprinkle a little kosher salt and fresh pepper. When the egg has just about cooked through, evenly spread the shredded cheese and flip. Add a little more cheese if desired. I weigh the cheese and use 20 grams. (Aren't I good?)

Today this was a late lunch.

There are all kinds of things you can add to this sandwich; tomato, crisp bacon (I use chicken bacon), lettuce, green pepper, and the list goes on. I didn't have time to add anything.


Ross had me thinking about the Asian salad dressing and I wanted to give it a try.

Wasn't colourful enough with the lettuce, cucumber, snap peas, and pecans. I added sliced strawberries and goat cheese.

Another quick meal to prepare. What you can't see is the glass of Pinot Grigio...bring on Tuesday!

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