Sunday 30 March 2014

An Old Reliable

Fruit Salad -- it's a comfort food but it can be healthy too!

Last night, I was out of Weight Watcher points but starving.  Not in the mood for yet another kale salad, I was racking my brain to come up with something that would satisfy me.  In my fridge there was a pineapple, apples, blackberries, oranges, and strawberries.  I could practically hear them yelling to me as soon as I opened the door.  Fruit salad it is!

The trick to a good fruit salad is combining items which go well together.  Some combinations seem like good ideas, but when they hit the plate, yikes!  I like to taste things as I go in order to verify they will work together as a team.  My apologies, that sounded like it came straight out of Corporate America. Basically, start off with a few fruits you want to use and then see what will go with them.

The apple is tart, the pineapple is sweet, the black berries a bit tangy.  The strawberries, orange, and kiwi add colour.  The banana helps balance out the flavours.

Next decision -- how to serve it?

If it's not going to be eaten right away, chances are the banana and apple are going to start turning brown.  Luckily, this is where our friend citrus comes in handy.  By chopping the fruits into bite sized pieces then mixing, them all together, the juice from the orange will coat the banana and apple and keep them looking yummy.

On the other hand, if the fruit salad is going to be eaten right away, then no worries.

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