Saturday 17 May 2014

Yay! Fiddleheads!

Fiddleheads are the furled fronds of a young fern and mostly grow in and around bogs. My mother introduced me to these yummy treats very early in my life.

They very quickly became something to look forward to every spring.

Now I know they contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and are a source of antioxidants and dietary fibre. We all need lots of fibre.

The season is very short, and sometimes I miss them altogether.

But yesterday morning after seeing them advertised in the flyer, I was at the grocery store not long after 7am.

I waited while they filled the bins, and came home with $10 worth. (A little over 2 pounds)

My favourite way to eat them, is boiled and smothered in butter and vinegar...and I might have to do that at least once...maybe twice.

I have an idea rolling around in my head, that might just be as good. Lemon instead of vinegar, and in a stir fry.

Stay tuned....

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