Tuesday 13 May 2014

Roast Pork with Turnip and Apple

I do not like leftovers...unless it's chocolate or lobster!

Not sure why...and it limits what I cook unless I have a house full of people.

But I want to cook a roast pork...and find some interesting ways to use the leftovers.

The best way for me to cook a roast through the week is in the crockpot or slow cooker.

Add everything in the morning, set the timer, and forget about it until my stomach starts rumbling at supper time and I realize it smells pretty darn good.

Roast Pork with Turnip and Apple

1 roast pork (I used pork loin centre cut and chose a size I thought I could manage)
1/2 onion
4 or more whole garlic cloves
salt and pepper
1 small turnip
1 or 2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and cut in half

Add all ingredients to the crock pot except the apple.

Add 1 cup water.

Set the crock pot on low (7 -8 hours).

Half way through the cooking, add the apple pieces.

When roast is finished, remove the turnip and apple and rough mash them together.

Remove the roast, and cover in foil. (I realize now that the picture does not have the roast covered in foil...do as I say...not as I do...

Remove the drippings and liquid to a pot, and boil to reduce.

Serve slices of the roast with the turnip / apple, and drizzle a little reduced liquid over top.

A few of the roasted garlic pieces are sitting right on top....yum!

ps. Stay tuned for leftovers!

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