Thursday 29 May 2014

Mission Impossible?

I'm on a mission this week to eat a salad a day!

And...I have the Romaine lettuce to prove it.

Yup...that's all for me. Hardest thing was finding room in the fridge.

OK...yes I know... I failed my previous mission of cleaning out my fridge.

But that's back on the "to do" list, after eating salad dressing that expired June 8....2012.

I don't think my new glasses work. All I saw was June 8, and even though the dressing was dark and lumpy...I ate it...and rechecked the label after the fact.

I had a semi-sleepless night with thoughts of food poisioning rumbling around in my brain. I've been on that bus before and it's no fun. Take my word for that!

Since my Lemony Chicken Caesar (see May 25), I've had cravings for this tasty garlicky salad.

Did you know...that the Caesar salad is not from Italy? Or anywhere else in the Mediterranean?

It was however, invented by an Italian immigrant who operated restaurants in the United States and Mexico.

I'm a little shy about using raw eggs to make the dressing so I resort to buying the fat free dressing in the grocery store.

I do spice it up a little by adding a fresh minced garlic clove, a little extra Worcestershire sauce, and anchovy paste if I have some. And of course the lemon juice.

So far I'm right on track and having a salad every day this week. Today's was a Chicken Thai, and it was so good I'm going to make it again tomorrow.

I was planning on adding fresh ginger and forgot, so the recipe will be a little different.

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