Wednesday 21 May 2014

Tequila Inspired Shrimp Stir Fry

Sometimes I do my best thinking with a drink (or two) in hand!

I seem to have a theme going here...that Ross doesn't have. I really don't drink a lot.

The stir fry I've made before, and haven't had it in quite some time.

I usually add spaghetti pasta, but have been wanting to try the white rice vermicelli.

And the fiddleheads! I won't lie, I've boiled a few and added butter and vinegar. If I didn't have some that way, I'm afraid I'd feel like I missed the season...again.

I usually start a stir fry with garlic and onions.

This time I'm using leeks.

Ross's fault. I've never had them...I don't think...I know I've never cooked them myself.

Shrimp Stir Fry

1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Leek, sliced (I didn't use all the top green)
1 cup frozen shrimp
1 cup cooked fiddleheads
3/4 cup softened white rice vermicelli
2 Tbsp lemon juice or juice of 1/2 lemon
2 tsp sesame oil
1Tbsp capers
salt to taste
sesame seeds for garnish

Heat oil to medium high and add the leeks. Cook until they just start to soften. 2-3 minutes.

Add the shrimp.

Meanwhile soften the vermicelli in boiling water.

Once the shrimp is thawed, about 2 minutes, add the cooked fiddleheads, lemon juice and sesame oil.

Mix well.

Add the noodles and capers.

Mix until well combined.

Sprinkle a few sesame seeds over the top and serve.

Note about Leeks:

Wash well! They can be quite gritty with sand or soil that you don't notice until it's too late.

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