Saturday 10 May 2014

My Sweet Tooth is Acting Up!

Oh did I have a craving for something sweet!  The kind of craving where you need to replace your meal with something over the top good.  Dessert for dinner.

Trying to be a responsible person, I figured if I was going to indulge, it would be in a responsible manner.  First, figure out what would satisfy my craving -- a big gooey ice cream sundae.  Second, make it less overboard but still awesome.  How about a banana split?  Bananas are good.  Maybe not so much ice cream, say only two scoops.  No whipped cream, but really good chocolate sauce.  Instead of strawberry and pineapple toppings, how about fresh berries instead?

I will not lie, I was in Heaven!

Ross's Banana Split
One large fairly firm banana
Two scoops of ice cream - I used vanilla
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup fresh blackberries
1 cup fresh blueberries
2 tbsp good chocolate sauce
  • Split the banana lengthwise then peel it and place it in the bottom of an oblong dish.  I found it easier to cut off the tips of the banana before slicing in two.
  • Sprinkle half the berries over the bananas.
  • Put the ice cream on top of this.
  • Top with the remaining berries, then pour the chocolate sauce over everything.
  • If the ice cream has melted a little bit, it makes everything taste even better!
 OK, so I used more berries than I said, but it was delicious!

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