Tuesday 15 July 2014


We can't discuss Australian food without including Vegemite.  Ideally, it would have been the first food we talked about when we moved Down Under, but I had to learn to like it first.  To say I was shocked by my initial taste would be a bit of an understatement, but I did taste it straight out of the bottle.  Silly me.  No one actually eats it like that though, so I tried it on toast.  Better, but still quite strong.  My dog Hector liked it and helped finish the piece of toast.

Shelley found an interesting recipe on the internet using cheese, so I tried Vegemite Melts -- Bread with Vegemite then topped with cheddar cheese and toasted in the oven.  By this point, I was starting to like it.  The cheese and the toasted bread plus the salty Vegemite was actually starting to taste good.  Next I turned it up a notch by adding butter and using mozzarella and Romano cheeses instead plus a little cracked pepper. Yum!

Vegemite Melts
Slice of Bread
Shredded Mozzarella
Grated Romano
Fresh Cracked Black Pepper
  • Layer the ingredients in the order listed.
  • Toast in a toaster oven directly on the rack.
  • If they are baked until crispy, they can be enjoyed warm or cooled.

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