Wednesday 16 July 2014

Aussie Damper Graham Style

Damper...a traditional soda bread cooked in the ashes of a fire.

Yeah...that's not happening at my place. Guess I could have tried cooking it on the BBQ.

Searched through a lot of recipes and settled on one that seemed would produce the best results.

I did adjust to make a smaller round. I omitted the salt since any recipe I found that called for butter, it was unsalted. I never have unsalted butter. Whole milk or 2% would give a richer dough, but I have neither of those, so I used fat free. There were some recipes that used water...fat free isn't far off.

This is also the first time I'm using self-rising flour.

Most recipes tell you to knead the dough for one to three minutes...but being a biscuit maker from way back I know that will make a heavy tough bread. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be.

I didn't knead it much, just mixed enough to hold everything together and form a smooth round.

I did get a little carried away with the knife, and make the "X" cuts a little too deep...oh well...I'll start a Graham Damper Tradition!

Aussie Damper

2 cups self rising flour
2 Tbsp cold butter, broken into pieces
3/4 cup skim milk

Preheat oven to 425F.

Add flour to a bowl, and with your fingers work in the butter. Butter should be very fine before adding the milk. Using your hands, mix the milk into the flour until all flour is incorporated. Turn out and work into a smooth round.

Cut an "X" on the top.

Place on parchment on a baking tray.

Bake 20-25 minutes.

Couldn't help myself...this is what happens when there are carbs around in the form of breads...that is Greek yogurt on top....just so you know...

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