Saturday 12 July 2014

ANZAC Biscuits

OK, so this is supposed to be a blog about eating healthy, but but but today is splurge day.  We all have to treat ourselves once in a while, otherwise, it's impossible to stay on the healthy eating wagon.

When I was researching Australian food, one of the recipes that jumped out at me is ANZAC Biscuits.  These are a coconut oatmeal cookie which are associated with World War 1 and are dangerously good -- I made a batch and tried a couple to see how they taste.  They tasted so good that I took the rest of them in to the office to share with my coworkers, otherwise, the whole batch would have been my dinner.  Aside from being delicious, they are easy to make and keep for a fairly long time.  During World War 1, wives used to bake these for their husbands fighting overseas.  I suspect there is no worry about having them last too long now though.

ANZAC Biscuits
1 cup Flour
1 cup White Sugar
1 cup Quick Oats
1 cup Coconut Flakes
1 tbsp Dark Corn Syrup
1/2 cup Margarine or Butter
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 tbsp Boiling Water
  • Combine the flour, sugar, oats, and coconut in a bowl, then mix to make sure all ingredients are evenly distributed.
  • In a small pan, melt the margarine and add the corn syrup to it, stirring to combine.
  • Dissolve the baking soda in the water and add this to the melted margarine mixture.
  • Add the margarine mix to the dry ingredients.  The dough will be crumbly at first, but just keep working with it until it is fairly solid and consistent in texture.
  • Form into small balls and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.  The cookies will spread out as they are baking, so be sure to leave enough room between them.
  • Bale at 350F for about 15 minutes (middle rack of the oven).

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