Wednesday 9 July 2014

G'Day Mate

Yep, we’re heading Down Under!

To the land of the koala bears, kangaroos, kookaburras, the Outback (not the steakhouse), and Aussies with their wonderful accents…and where the water flushes the wrong direction down the loo.

Australian culture has been strongly influenced by Anglo-Celtic Western culture. The first settlers introduced British food and much of this is now considered genuine Aussie food. Many of the recipes have been handed down through generations. 

Over the next week or so, Ross and I will be "Sydney or the Bush", and you may be seeing the likes of chook, snag bags, Anzac biscuits, damper, pie floaters, dog’s eye, and bush tucker…well maybe not bush tucker. want to give it a bash?

So on with the sunnies and off to the bottle shop for some bonzer plonk, goon and coldies. I’ll fossick the pantry and fire up the barbie, maybe have the rellies in for tucker and we’ll bog in. And I won’t be drinking with the flies.
Hoo roo...

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