Saturday 5 July 2014

First Try at Kenyan Cuisine

I don't know what made me think I would like anything made with ground corn.

Ugali is the National dish of Kenya, and is made by cooking corn flour and water in a pot on the stove or over a fire. My pot is still soaking...

I made it the traditional way, and didn't add any butter, but I'm sure that would have made it a little tastier.

It was interesting the say the least, and I can say I tried it. The juice from the salad I had along side certainly helped.

Most recipes I found were for crowd size, and I did make a smaller portion. It's not something I would have wanted as leftovers (the fan I am) and is best served warm. Although I may try it again with a little butter, then refried in a pan with oil...


4 cups water
2 tsp salt
2 cups corn flour (or corn meal)

Boil the water and salt on high heat, and add the corn flour, stirring constantly.

Reduce heat and cook until you will be able to form a ball.

It's served with almost all dishes, shaped into a round. Coat you hands with cold water to do this.

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