Wednesday 18 June 2014

White Bean Hummus

When planning the food for our party we knew that we would have a dip or two. This would be something that could be prepared ahead and served at the start.

So I had these beans in the of those things I bought with good intentions...and I did make a small batch of homemade baked beans. But the bag was large, and I needed to find something a little healthier.

I thought to myself...hummus? Why not? If you make hummus from chick peas, why not beans.

Where do I start? I always buy my hummus at Costco. So I soaked the beans all day, and cooked them in the crockpot overnight.

After they cooled I added 2 cups to the food processor.

Now what? Garlic? Five or six cloves should do it.

I couldn't find tahini, so I added peanut butter. (I heard that somewhere...)

Add lemon and lime juice...a few pinches of salt...a handful of greens...whizz it all up...and oh my...too much garlic.

Good thing I hadn't used all the beans.

One of the good things about making something that's not cooked (except the beans), there is room for trial and error.

I love testing, but I have thrown out my share of experiments.

A little more salt...a little more lemon juice...and...

White Bean Hummus

4 cups cooked beans (I used Navy beans)
5 or 6 cloves garlic, minced
3 Tbsp peanut butter
juice of 1 1/2 lemons
juice of 2 limes
salt to taste
handful of spinach

Whizz together all the ingredients except the spinach in a food processor.

Add the spinach at the end, and whizz just until the spinach is mixed but not fine.
This makes a huge batch and is rather filling. I'm eating the leftovers on toasted English muffins. Yum! (Shelley)

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