Tuesday 24 June 2014


Vietnamese food is considered one of the healthiest in the world...

Food appears to be at the centre of the Vietnamese culture. Life events are celebrated with the preparation of special dishes.

The cuisine is known for the balance of five elements and many of the dishes prepared include the five fundamental taste senses listed below:

    • Wood - Sour - Green - Visual - Carbohydrates
    • Fire - Bitter - Red - Taste - Fat
    • Earth - Sweet - Yellow - Touch - Protein
    • Metal - Spicy - White - Smell - Minerals
    • Water - Salty - Black - Sound - Water
The principle of "yin and yang" is present when preparing meals in a way that is beneficial to the body. Texture and flavours are important, but not as important as the "heating" and "cooling" properties of the ingredients.

Fish sauce is a common flavouring in the Vietnamese cuisine, along with soy sauce, lemongrass, mint, and limes.

While researching the food, I agree there are many health benefits to the cuisine. Ginger is very good for digestion, and is a common ingredient in a lot of their dishes. As well, many vegetables are eaten raw daily which preserves the nutrients and are better for you.

"Pho" the national dish, and a common breakfast food, is a broth base made most commonly from chicken or beef. It's usually served with a plate of herbs and vegetables that allows you to add to the broth according to your own taste. 

Although I am not a big lover of soup, I may be tempted to give it a try!

We've both been experimenting with recipes which we will be posting soon...

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