Sunday 29 June 2014

Pho or Faux Pho?

When I asked my Vietnamese friends for suggestions on what I should make, they all said 'Pho'.  Any time I've had Pho in a restaurant, it is served in a very large bowl, so I had to improvise.  My bowls are all either large enough to mix cakes or single serving cereal bowls.  Nothing in between.  Perhaps I need to take a trip back to the Asian grocery and pick up a couple of Pho sized bowls.

Not having made Pho before, I looked for recipes on the web.  After finding a couple of tasty sounding ones, I came up with my own version.  I'm not sure if my recipe is considered actual Pho, or is more 'Pho-Inspired'. True Pho or Faux Pho?

Faux Pho de Ross

32 oz Good Chicken Broth
2 tsp Ginger Puree
1 Onion
2 tsp Coriander Seeds
1 bunch Fresh Cilantro
2 Whole Cloves
10 Fresh Mint Leaves
  • Bring the broth to a boil. 
  • Add the remaining above ingredients.
  • Let simmer for about 20 minutes.
In the Bowl:
Vermicelli Rice Noodles - Dried and Unboiled (enough to fit in the bowl).
1/2 cup Cooked Chicken (cut up into bite sized pieces)
1/2 cup Sliced Fresh Mushrooms
2 to 3 tbsp Fresh Chives (cut into inch long segments)
1/2 cup of Pea Sprouts
  • Arrange the vermicelli, chicken, and mushrooms in the bottom of the bowl, then sprinkle the chives on top.
  • Strain the boiling broth into the bowl over the mixture until all the ingredients are submerged.
  • Garnish with the pea sprouts and enjoy.
I was intending to use bean sprouts (which I don't particularly like) but the grocery store was sold out of them.  However, they had pea spouts which I have never used before.  I like the look and taste of them better.

If I'm using a purchased broth as I am today, I always make sure to read the ingredients carefully so that I buy something that is as homemade in flavour as possible.

This recipe made a pleasant sized single serving.  I know 32 oz of broth seems like a lot, but the Pho serving size is quite large.  Also, the broth reduces some as it boils, so it's not entirely 32 oz that ends up in the bowl.

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