Wednesday 24 September 2014

The Toasted Tomato Sandwich

Well the harvest was not too bad on the mini tomato bush.

But is coming to an end.

Next year, I'll plant more, and will get them going sooner since there will be no roofers to worry about.

I love the little cherry tomatoes. They are great in salads, or just to eat a few right out of the dish.

A little fussy to make a toasted sandwich, but good all the same. Even better with home made French bread!

I have a fresh basil plant, and tore up a couple leaves and sprinkled them over the tomatoes. Not sure why I hadn't thought of this before.

Not only did it taste great...the warm toast brought out the basil aroma. That's all you could smell for the rest of the morning.

Better than an air freshener!

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