Thursday 11 September 2014

Fresh Spring Rolls with Pork and Peanut Dipping Sauce

I think it's because I'm a gift wrapping fanatic that I like making the spring rolls so much...

Plus they taste so good.  I'm at it again with the rolls.

I've tried a few different ways...spicy, bland, seasoned, and without...and my first favourite would be the pork rolls I have made.

I poached the piece of pork and sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. That's it for the seasonings inside the roll.

But it's all about the sauce baby! I can see where I'm going to have lots of fun with the sauce.

Some I have made in the past months since touring through Vietnam, I had added quite a few flavours inside the roll. They either get lost because the sauce is strong, or they over power the sauce.

Too many flavours happening. KISS..."Keep it simple..."...well you know the rest...

Fresh Spring Rolls with Pork
3 8 inch rice wrappers
1 boneless pork loin chop, cooked and sliced thin
Carrot, about 1/2 medium, sliced
Cucumber, 2 1/2 - 3 inch piece, sliced (seeded)
fresh mint, chopped
rice noodles, cooked
pinch of salt and pepper for the pork

Prepare the wrapper by dipping in hot water for only a second or two.

Arrange the noodles, carrot, cucumber, pork, and top with more noodles.

Wrap and slice...or not.

Peanut Sauce
2 Tbsp Hoisin sauce
1 Tbsp peanut butter
2 Tbsp lime juice

Mix all together.


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