Sunday 21 September 2014

Tequila Slammer new favourite drink!

Now I would call a shot a slammer. With a wedge of lime and a lick of salt.

Last weekend I was at a restaurant in Halifax, Two Doors Down, and on the menu they had a drink called a Tequila Slammer.

It sounded interesting, tequila, ginger simple syrup, pressed lemon, and topped with ginger beer.

Well you just know I had to try one...or two!

Now to make my own...

I bought the tequila they used, and have made a few since Friday trying to get it just perfect.

I don't know (don't remember) if it tastes like the one I had last weekend, but it's pretty damn good.

Ginger Tequila Slammer

Over ice...
1 1/2 oz Mialgro Resosado Tequila
1 1/2 oz ginger simple syrup
1/2 lemon, juice
top with ginger beer, I was looking for Propeller, bought Crabbies

Ginger Simple Syrup

2 cups water
1 cup sugar
fresh ginger, peeled and cut in pieces, I used about 6 inches

Boil together, and then remove from stove and let steep for about an hour.
Keep in the fridge.

Oh yum! Not quite the same colour...but it might have been a difference in colour in the beer. Or maybe I was heavy handed...

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