Friday 26 September 2014


Like fiddleheads in the spring, it's Gravenstein apples in the late summer and early fall.

My favourite kind of apple. Crisp and tart, and only available for a very short time.

I was an unkind cousin and sent Ross a picture. These are his favourite apple too, and I felt guilt wash over me as I hit the send button.

The best way to get these delicious apples is to pick them yourself. I find the ones in the supermarket can sometimes taste like they were picked last week. Well they probably were.

I usually try to get them at a local market, or sometimes make a trip to the Valley especially to buy them.

I'm on my second round now, about a dozen each time, sometimes eating two a day.

Once these apples are finished I lose interest in this fruit pretty quick.

When I do buy apples through the winter it's usually the Granny Smith.

I get the crispy tartness, but not the flavour of the Gravenstein.

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