Sunday 30 November 2014

Christmas Season Right Around the Corner

My little Christmas tree is up...a test really to see how it fares with the newest kitty... and we're taking a break from out travels and focusing on a healthier side of the holiday festivities.

Christmas is the one time of year, in our families we all tend to over-indulge. We try not to, but how do you pass up that second piece of mincemeat pie when this in the only time of year that we make it.

Ross suggested that we investigate healthy alternatives that have the flavour and ingredients that are associated with Christmas.

This does not mean that I'm having tofu instead of turkey  for Christmas dinner, but we're trying to find some ideas for serving healthier options at parties or pot lucks. And not feel like you are missing out!

Stay tuned to see what we can come up with. I'm starting today with a veggie wrap...

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