Sunday 2 November 2014

Chicken Kiev

Rummaging through pages of online Russian cookbooks, one thing is certain, there is a lot of Borscht consumed.

Not really sure I wanted to go that route. I think I would probably like it, but not enough to give it a try.

So on to Chicken Kiev. Both Moscow and the Ukraine claim this dish as their own, so if we do a virtual tour of the Ukraine, I'll have to chose something else, or perhaps change it up a little.

I came across a few recipes for Chicken Kiev, and decided to take ideas from each one of them.

Since the stuffing is a combination of herbs and spices mixed into butter, I didn't want to fry in additional oil.

I used a coating that wouldn't need extra fat, and baked the chicken instead. I must's one of the few recipes that mine looked like the pictures I saw in the cookbooks.

And oh boy, was it ever good!

Chicken Kiev
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
4 Tbsp butter
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried dill weed
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley or
1 tsp dried
24 prepared croutons, crushed fine
2 tbsp Greek Yoghurt

Pound out the chicken breasts as flat as you can get them without putting a hole in them.

Mix the spices and herbs into the butter, and smear a

Tbsp of the butter mixture onto each flattened chicken breast.

Roll up each chicken breast, tucking in the ends and securing with toothpicks.

Coat each rolled breast with the Greek yoghurt, and dip in the crouton crumbs.

Spray a banking pan with a little canola oil, lay the chicken breasts in, and cook at 375F, for 50 minutes...DO NOT PRE-HEAT the oven.

Test for doneness with a meat thermometer.

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