Saturday 11 October 2014

Blueberry Pancakes

I was being so good all week...and then Friday. It all started from watching too much TV.

I finished up work early, and was watching Fridays episode of The Chew"...they were making pancakes.

I'm not a huge fan of pancakes like Ross, but like them every once and awhile.

Well Friday was it...subliminal messages through the TV..."make pancakes...make them all". And so I did.

Truth be told...I was craving carbs more than anything.

Blueberry Pancakes

1 cup flour
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp cream of tarter
1/2 tsp baking soda
pinch salt
2 eggs, beaten
milk - enough to make the consistency of heavy cream
frozen blueberries (about a cup)

Whisk the dry ingredients together in a bowl with a spout.

Add the eggs and about a 1/4 cup of milk (I used skim).

Add more milk to get the right consistency.

Unfortunately I didn't measure. Partly because I never do...and partly because of the tequila.

Do not over mix.

Heat an electric frying pan to 400, and then reduce heat to 325.

If using the stove, heat to medium high.

Spray pan with a little cooking oil, and pour in batter.

Sprinkle blueberries over the top of the pancake.

My frying pan will make four pancakes at a time reasonably sized...I didn't make all of them reasonably sized.

Cook until most of the bubbles have popped, and then flip to the other side.

Pancake is done when it springs back when poked with your finger.

Serve with your choice of toppings. I smothered mine with golden corn syrup. I would have been better off had I left off the syrup, and smothered in strawberries.

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