Sunday 31 January 2016

Snacks 101

I'm back! And I'm on a find healthy and filling snacks. 

Five of us get together once a week and we have a common goal. Eat healthy and lose a few pounds.

The worst thing when you are trying to watch what you eat is to use up valuable points (Weight Watchers) or calories. A handful of nuts or dried fruit might be healthy, but they are worth a lot of valuable points  and high in calories. And to be honest, not really that filling.

So I'm back on the Weight Watchers program. But whether you are counting points or counting calories, they add up quick. There is no sense eating your points up (so to speak) if after 5 or 10 points you are still hungry.

So I have made it my mission to look for snacks, in addition to what we already know...carrot and celery know the ones I'm talking about.

Stay tuned...I think I'll find some interesting things to make with pitas!

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