Saturday 11 April 2015

Steamed Asparagus

I had a lot of asparagus to eat over the past week, and the bag is now empty. I tried both boiling and steaming, and have decided of the two, steaming really is better.

About a year ago I went through a little (expensive) online shopping phase, where one of my purchases was a bamboo steamer. It's been on the counter unused for a year. I tested it for the first time with asparagus.

Works great! Wouldn't you know. Now I have to think up some ideas to keep it in constant use.

I tried boiling the asparagus in both salted and unsalted water. To be honest I didn't find much difference. Perhaps the asparagus doesn't absorb as much as other vegetables do. 

I only steamed the asparagus one way in the bamboo steamer and that was without salt. Without a doubt, as I knew it would, it was more flavourful in the steamer rather than boiling water.

There are smaller steamers, and I have a small metal one that I sometimes use for broccoli, but the bamboo steamer is a great size for larger vegetables.

I used a metal frying pan to heat the water, and used parchment paper to line the steamer.

Snap off the bottom of the asparagus stalks.

Once the water is boiling, I reduced the heat to medium and let them steam for about 5 minutes.

If serving as a side, I sprinkled a little salt or ate them as they were.

Stay tuned...that's not the only way I served them ;)

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