Saturday 4 April 2015

Oh Spring Where Art Thou?

I'm back! 

It's been a long cold and snowy winter and I have to admit it's been hard to get motivated to do anything. Except of course shovel the driveway, sometimes multiple times a day. And not that I was was out of necessity.

Trying to come up with food ideas to blog about was low on the priority list. And once out of the habit, it's been hard to embrace it again. 

But I love to write, and I love food and cooking, so here I sit with a brand new idea.

First a little history... "No dessert if you don't clean off your plate. You can't go out and play if you don't finish your vegetables." If we parents haven't said those words, we've all heard them as kids. Unless you were one of the "rare" kids that always cleaned off your plate. I wasn't. I hated most vegetables. My mother finally gave up on me. It would be common for me to have a piece of meat with a side of sliced...bread.

Testing the world of vegetarianism is definitely not for me. But with spring in the air (insert laugh here) I thought this would be a good time to peruse the list of vegetables from A to Z. I'm a carnivore at heart and not prepared to give up a good piece of BBQ chicken, but I'm going to research veggies and find new ways to prepare and serve.

First up...asparagus. Stay tuned.

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