Thursday 21 August 2014

Salmon Patties (Somon Baligi Koftesi)

Perusing the pages and pages online of Turkish cuisine, it's become very clear that it is similar to other Mediterranean countries, and the food is very healthy - with the exception of the desserts...

But ingredients used are somewhat daunting and my lack of food adventure threatens to kick in.

A lot of what the recipe calls for are not redly available where I get my groceries, so I guess it's time to scope out a few specialty shops.

Unlike Tampa, Halifax does not have the vast selection to chose from, but I have made it a goal, I will visit at least one specialty shop in the next seven days.

OK Siri you're on, don't let me down...

One of the recipes I found and looked interesting, was salmon patties. My Mum used to make us salmon loaf for supper from time to time, and haven't had it in ages. Although the loaf was baked, and full of carbs with the breadcrumbs, the taste would be similar.

Rather than using tin, I had a small piece of salmon in the freezer which I thawed, and poached it in water.

Turkish Salmon Patties

1 1/2 cups salmon (can be tinned)
1 large egg, slightly beaten
1 small onion, finely chopped (I used a small shallot)
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1 green onion, finely chopped (I used chives from my garden)
2 Tbsp fresh parsley (your choice of type)
1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper
Salt to taste
2 - 3 Tbsp olive oil for frying

Remove any bones from the salmon and flake apart with a fork.

Add the egg to a bowl, and lightly beat. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan on Medium heat.

Drop salmon mixture in by spoonfuls allowing it to flatten out.

Fry until egg is set, and flip to brown the other side. Three or four minutes per side.

The Turkish recipe I followed used salmon more the colour of BC salmon, and only browned one side.

I flipped mine to ensure the onion and celery were somewhat cooked and not still crisp.

Serve as appetizers or as a main course with a side salad.

Thanks to Ross for finding the Shepherd's Salad, this is what I prepared with the salmon patties. Instead of kale, I had romaine lettuce I needed to use up.

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