Sunday 24 August 2014

Orange Biscuits (Portakalli Biskuvi)

During one of the BBQs while I was on vacation, we were chatting about this BLOG, and how much fun we (I think I can speak for Ross too) are having researching the cuisine of the country and hunting for recipes.

There are so many recipes I've come across that look interesting but for one reason or another could not, or chose not to make.

One such recipe I was telling everyone about was for a six layer cake from the Czech Republic.

The next BBQ I was asked if I would make the dessert...

The day dawned raining buckets. The heat and humidity in the kitchen the highest it had been all summer, so I changed to menu and made something I was familiar with.

I still owe them the six layer cake from the Czech Republic!

Wanting to prepare something that related to the BLOG, and found a recipe from Turkey for sandwich cookies, and the website said "These can be found in all Turkish bakeries...". Traditional and authentic...well I hope so. Sometimes we are at the mercy of what we find online.

The cookies were a hit, and I know someone has been wanting this recipe. Sorry it's taken me a's been a busy first week back to work!

Orange Biscuits
Makes approx 18 - 24 cookies

125gm butter, room temperature
2/3 cup sugar
1 egg yolk
1 orange zest
1 cup plus 2 Tbsp flour

Orange Butter Cream
2 Tbsp butter, room temperature
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 tsp orange zest (I used lemon since I forgot to buy an additional orange)
1 Tbsp orange juice

For the dough...
Blend together the butter and sugar with an electric mixer on low, add the egg yolk and orange zest.

Slowly add the flour kneading by hand until dough just comes together and flour is incorporated.

Roll out to long round, about 2 inches diameter, and wrap in wax paper or parchment. Refrigerate at least an hour.

Slice rounds into 1/4 inch discs and place on a cooke sheet lined with parchment.

(Dough may also be refrigerated, and then rolled with a rolling pin, using a cookie cutter to make the rounds)

Bake in a 375F pre-heated oven for about 12 minutes. Watch closely after 10 minutes as cookies will brown quickly. (I tested this)

Remove to wire racks immediately to cool.

For the Cream Filling...

Whisk the butter and slowly add the icing sugar. Add orange zest and orange juice. Add additional icing sugar if necessary.

Spread half the biscuits with the cream filling on the underside, and top with another biscuit.

Top side on both halves should be facing out.

GENTLY press together and run your fingers around edge to smooth out the cream filling.

Lick fingers...wash and hands and repeat...

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