Saturday 10 May 2014

Vitamin C Smoothie

I've been out of commission a few days, but I am starting to feel like I'm back among the living.

All I've been doing is sleeping.

I hate having a flu bug, it's such a waste of time!

I think I got this from the mailman...I really need to stop ordering online.

This latest smoothie is packed with Vitamin C, and just the ticket when there are flu bugs about.

Vitamin C Smoothie (regular size blender)

1 cup strawberries, cut in half (149% daily Vitamin C)
1 cup mango, chopped (76% daily vitamin C)
1 cup Kiwi, sliced (273% daily vitamin C)
1 cup orange juice (149% vitamin C)
1 lime, juice only (minimal vitamin C)

Whiz all together.

The blender I have is small so I really wasn't measuring.

I started with the mango.

Once I had that chopped, I sort of knew how much room was left for everything else.

Very tangy and good. A banana could be added to sweeten.

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