Saturday 4 October 2014

What kind of Squash is it? Really...?

Autumn is my favourite time of the year.

If it would only stay like this until next spring I would be one very happy lady. But unfortunately what comes after autumn can be a nasty few months. Fingers crossed that Mother Nature will be kind to us this year.

I decided while waiting for Ross to re-join the "Blogging", I'd try a few things I've never had before.

I started with squash.

Well yes, I've had squash...but mashed up with turkey dinner and covered in gravy.

And always the same kind...Acorn.

I picked up a nice round yellowish one, not knowing what kind it was.

When I checked my receipt when I got home it said "Butternut".

Pretty sure it wasn't a butternut...but I felt better since the cashier obviously didn't know either!

Decided to cut it in half and roast, and then decide from there how to eat it.

After it was roasted, I was pretty sure I had what they call a Spaghetti squash.

It came out of it's skin in long strings just like spaghetti.

I was making pan fried haddock for supper, so I added some of the roasted squash to the frying pan with a little butter while I was cooking the fish.

Added a little salt over the top, and let it brown.

Now I have to decide how to serve the remainder....any suggestions?

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