Wednesday 6 August 2014

You Poor Old Dumpling

I know...I'm slacking. Have to take a couple days of vacation to do absolutely nothing.

Another childhood memory is of my mother making dumplings.

My mother didn't often swear...but those poor dumplings heard a lot of "dammits".

I think she finally gave up making them since I don't remember any in her later years. Not sure who liked them actually. Certainly not something I would have ever thought I'd be trying. And her dumplings were small round lumps, added to the top of a pot of stew.

So...what goes with goulash?

I had thought after the first attempt I would try them again...I haven't.  I'm not a fan of soggy bread...but I'm not used to failure in the kitchen.

It's also not the proper weather for a hot facial standing over a pot of boiling water...watching the timer and turning after exactly seven minutes.

That's not to say I won't try them again. I might. My idea of a carb to go with the goulash which I loved, would be a nice crusty loaf of French bread, smothered in butter, and dipped in the juices.

My success rate with the dumpling attempt was 33%. I'll blame this on the humidity as well.

Czech Style Dumplings

3 1/2 cups flour
1 cup whole milk
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
1 tsp yeast

Mix together 1 cup flour with 1 cup milk and 1 tsp yeast. Stir and set aside for 60 minutes.

Mix in the eggs, and the remaining flour. Knead until smooth, about 5 or 6 minutes.

Set aside and let rise 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, fill a large pot 3/4 with water.  Add a tsp of water and bring to a boil.

Roll dumplings out to whatever desired size. Recipe called for two rolls. I made three small dumplings.

Drop the dumplings in the boiling water, and set timer for 7 minutes.

Roll the dumplings over, and cook another 8 minutes.

Remove and immediately pierce several times to let out steam.

Unfortunately I didn't move quick enough...

...and I baked the rest.

Next attempt will be when the weather cools or the humidity drops.

Ross's turn to try...he has A/C.


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