Wednesday 20 August 2014

Shepherd's Salad

It's pretty obvious that I love a salad.  It wasn't always that way though and I'm not sure when I really began to enjoy them, but it's a fairly recent occurrence.  There is something about the freshness and crispiness that makes me happy.

Needless to say that when I came across the Turkish Shepherd's Salad, I knew I had to make it.  Most recipes call for fresh parsley, but I didn't have any.  To compensate, I took some fresh kale and chopped it very finely.  This salad is becoming one of my favourites -- it's both simple and satisfying.  As usual, the amounts are kind of general and should be altered at will.

Shepherd's Salad

1 Small Red Onion
1 English Cucumber
1 Large Tomato
1 Small Green Pepper
1 cup Fresh Kale
Sea Salt
Fresh Black Pepper
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Juice from 1 Lemon
1/2 cup Crumbled Feta
  • Chop the onion quite finely and place in a good sized bowl.
  • Chop the cucumber and tomato into bite sized pieces and add them to the onion.
  • Cut up the green pepper into smallish pieces, then add it to the mix.
  • Chop the kale very finely and put it in with everything.
  • In a small dish or glass, combine the salt, pepper, olive oil, and lemon juice and whisk it very well.
  • Pour the lemon and oil dressing on to the salad, then sprinkle the feta over the top.
  • Toss to mix and coat evenly.
  • Either serve right away or refrigerate for an hour.

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