Thursday 3 July 2014

Next Stop...Kenya!

As I'm writing this it's 2:00AM, a chilly 12c with a humidity of 94% in Nairobi Kenya. 

The Republic of Kenya is located in the Great Lakes region of Africa, and borders Lake Victoria, the world's second largest freshwater lake, with Tanzania and Uganda. 

Kenya's climate varies from tropical in Mombasa along the coast to cooler inland. Average temperatures in Nairobi range from the low to mid twenties during the day, and 11 - 14c overnight. 

The country has at least 40 different ethnic African groups. Kenya is also home to large populations of Europeans, Arabs, Indians, and Pakistanis.

A safari is on my bucket list, so I thought a good place to start researching the food. It seems that on "budget" safaris, preparing your own food is part of the deal. How fun that would be! Maybe one day when I am retired I'll make the trip.

The food prepared is very simple, and some recipes use only salt as flavouring, although in the more urban areas there is an influence of Indian cuisine and spices.

One of the best known Kenyan specialties, "Nyama Choma", Swahili for roast meat, is served at any gathering or road side stand, and is eaten with your hands. From what I can find, goat is the meat of choice cooked over a charcoal fire and is the national dish, although beef works just as well.

After being in Vietnam and preparing recipes with the spices from Asia, Kenya may be quite a change.

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