Wednesday 23 April 2014

One Handed Chicken

What is bright green and will be on my left arm for the next six weeks?


While out riding my bicycle of Friday, my front tire had an unfortunate interaction with a trolley track.  The result was a very quick flight and a sudden stop for yours truly.  For the next six weeks, I'll be making a lot of meals with one hand.  This didn't seem so difficult at first, but then I realized all the things I take for granted.  Cutting an onion.  Opening a jar.  Lifting a dish out of the oven.

For the last several days, I've been focusing on adapting to my current situation.  Luckily, we have lots of options.  My new favourite item at the grocery store is pre-cut fresh veggies, but I'm sure I'll be finding all kinds of fun things over the next few weeks.

One Handed Chicken
1 pound Boneless Chicken Breast
1 tbsp Canola Oil
1 package of Chopped Fresh Onion, Garlic, and Shallot Mix (about 4 to 5 oz).
1 package of Sliced Mushrooms (about 12 oz)
1 package of Diced Green and Red Peppers (8 oz)
2 tbsp Dried Oregano
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
1 tbsp Flour
1 cup Skim Milk
2 oz Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1/2 cup Panko Bread Crumbs

  • Cut chicken into medium sized pieces.  I used chicken breast tenderloins so I wouldn't have to cut them at all.
  • Heat the oil and then add the chicken.  Saute until the outside of the chicken has browned a bit.  Don't worry about it being cooked all the way through as it will be baked in the oven later.
  • Remove chicken from the frying pan and place it in a casserole dish.
  • In the same frying pan, saute the onion mix, the mushrooms, and the peppers.
  • Add the oregano, black pepper, and salt
  • When the mushrooms have softened and the onions are translucent, sprinkle the flour over everything, then stir it in. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes.  This will give the flour a chance to cook.
  • Slowly stir in the milk.  Start off with a couple of tablespoons and stir it into the veggies.  Continue adding the milk in small amounts until the entire cup us used.  Let this simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes -- until the sauce has thickened.
  • Pour the mixture into the casserole dish over the chicken.
  • Top with the cheese and then Panko.
  •  Bake for 30 minutes at 375.
Veggies in the pan

Just out of the oven

On the plate

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