Saturday 25 April 2015

Steamed Salmon with Asparagus

I have to thank “The Chew” for this idea. I’ve been wanting to bake something in parchment for awhile, but really didn’t know where to begin. I saw a recipe a couple months ago in one of the episodes which gave me a place to start.

I’ve tried this several ways, with different herbs, and different veggies, but always with asparagus and salmon. There are so many possibilities!

Steamed Salmon and Asparagus

For each parchment packet you’ll need:

5 stalks asparagus
7 sugar snap peas
1 small carrot, thinly sliced on an angle
1 piece salmon
1/3 lemon, thinly sliced
fresh ginger, thinly sliced (opt)
2 Tbsp white wine

Pre-heat oven to 350.

Snap the ends off the asparagus and lay on the bottom of a large piece of parchment.

Lay the carrot slices on the asparagus, then the salmon. 

On top of the salmon, lay the lemon slices, ginger, and snap peas. 

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and marjoram.

Fold the parchment in half, and starting at the fold in one corner, fold in the edges until just a small opening at the last corner. 

Add the wine, and fold in the last bit of parchment so it’s all sealed.

Lay the packets on a baking sheet, and set the timer to bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

Serve by opening the top of the packet on a plate. The bottom of the parchment will be sodden with liquid and easily pull apart.

Veggies will still be crisp, and everything will be steaming hot. This can be served with steamed rice or potato.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Steamed Asparagus

I had a lot of asparagus to eat over the past week, and the bag is now empty. I tried both boiling and steaming, and have decided of the two, steaming really is better.

About a year ago I went through a little (expensive) online shopping phase, where one of my purchases was a bamboo steamer. It's been on the counter unused for a year. I tested it for the first time with asparagus.

Works great! Wouldn't you know. Now I have to think up some ideas to keep it in constant use.

I tried boiling the asparagus in both salted and unsalted water. To be honest I didn't find much difference. Perhaps the asparagus doesn't absorb as much as other vegetables do. 

I only steamed the asparagus one way in the bamboo steamer and that was without salt. Without a doubt, as I knew it would, it was more flavourful in the steamer rather than boiling water.

There are smaller steamers, and I have a small metal one that I sometimes use for broccoli, but the bamboo steamer is a great size for larger vegetables.

I used a metal frying pan to heat the water, and used parchment paper to line the steamer.

Snap off the bottom of the asparagus stalks.

Once the water is boiling, I reduced the heat to medium and let them steam for about 5 minutes.

If serving as a side, I sprinkled a little salt or ate them as they were.

Stay tuned...that's not the only way I served them ;)

Saturday 4 April 2015

Oh Spring Where Art Thou?

I'm back! 

It's been a long cold and snowy winter and I have to admit it's been hard to get motivated to do anything. Except of course shovel the driveway, sometimes multiple times a day. And not that I was was out of necessity.

Trying to come up with food ideas to blog about was low on the priority list. And once out of the habit, it's been hard to embrace it again. 

But I love to write, and I love food and cooking, so here I sit with a brand new idea.

First a little history... "No dessert if you don't clean off your plate. You can't go out and play if you don't finish your vegetables." If we parents haven't said those words, we've all heard them as kids. Unless you were one of the "rare" kids that always cleaned off your plate. I wasn't. I hated most vegetables. My mother finally gave up on me. It would be common for me to have a piece of meat with a side of sliced...bread.

Testing the world of vegetarianism is definitely not for me. But with spring in the air (insert laugh here) I thought this would be a good time to peruse the list of vegetables from A to Z. I'm a carnivore at heart and not prepared to give up a good piece of BBQ chicken, but I'm going to research veggies and find new ways to prepare and serve.

First up...asparagus. Stay tuned.